I've always admired this brand because of it's simplicity.
It simply reminds me of classy, confident, and beautiful women.
Reading many sugar related blogs I've come to realize that everyone (or almost everyone) uses a "sugarname". Although it may take me a lot more time until I officially the sugar world I thought I should choose my sugar name. Since I'm blogging and going to be interacting with many sugar babies in the blogging atmosphere. Vivian Miranda Castle, is what I'm planning to call myself. How is it?
Continuing on with my Dream Life posts...
I love cute little puppies and dogs!
I definitely NEED to own one of these cuties in the future. Who's with me?
Although the room is a bit small, it looks really cozy!
The modern, simplisic design is a big BONUS!
Love, love, love!
Body Inspiration! Look how toned her tummy is. :)
The background view is somewhere I would like to visit as well by the way.
-Vivian Miranda Castle.
Nice name :) I even use an alias name with SDs unless they are buying me plane tickets or cosigning on something big. My sugar name is like my alternate personality, sexy...powerful...and flawless. I like the ring to my sugar name, but I won't put it on my blog so any nosey SDs can't recognize it and get into my business.